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Quantum Healing utilizes a combination of various energy modalities including Reiki, Balancing, QiGong, Seichem & Touch Healing.

The beauty of energy healing is that it can be practiced from any location, at any time, and can be sent to any recipient, anywhere in the world, since there are no limitations of time and space.

Also with long distance healing, your animals are free to remain in the comfort of their own homes, thereby eliminating the stress of traveling and being handled by strangers in unfamiliar locations.

Both animals and children are generally very 'sensitive' to energy overall, so the amount of time they require is much less than adults.

You may notice you or your pet twitching, flexing, or becoming very relaxed to the point of being drowsy - all of which are very natural. 

Animals generally respond very well to energy and are very receptive.

They also feel very safe since these energies are gentle and soothing.

Your animal will not experience any discomfort and there are no side effects. 

Reiki is a great complement to traditional veterinarian care since it provides deep relaxation for animals and usually quiets them if they are scared or fearful - and will not cause any interference with ongoing medications.

How does the energy do this?  It de-stresses the body, thereby bringing it back into greater harmony and alignment. 

And when the body truly relaxes, pain is usually eased and the body's own natural healing can commence at an accelerated rate.

Sweet "Mercury"

Mercury is another former client who was suffering from thyroid and pancreatitis issues. 

After some energy sessions, her person was thrilled when she began to get better and shared a very loving message:

"She's doing so much better. In fact, she's doing wonderfully.  I'm so glad you came into our lives.  She's doing better every day. 

Her turnaround has been amazing.  I am so happy.  Thank you, thank you, thank you.  God bless you!"

Once your appointment has been made, you will be sent a confirmation email with preparation suggestions such as being in a quiet, relaxed place, free of any distractions, etc.

You are encouraged to touch, hold, or be near your pet during the session, if at all possible.

All sessions are considered private and held in the strictest confidence.  Sessions are not offered as a substitute for medical diagnosis and care. You are always advised to continue seeking appropriate diagnoses and treatments for your animals from qualified veterinarians.